
Teaching Skills Development Seminar 2021


The Teaching Skills Development Seminar (TSDS) is an annual gathering of ALTs, JTEs, and teaching consultants in Toyama hosted by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR), and the Toyama Prefectural Board of Education. It serves as a platform for sharing best teaching practices and cultural exchange methods among English educators in Toyama. Workshops are led by the ALTs for their co-ALTs, incoming ALTs, and for JTEs.

The topics for these workshops were, but not limited to, classroom management, motivation techinques, cross-cultural activities, the Japanese language, cultural awareness, adapting to various learning styles, and much more!

Thank you everyone for your hard work and creativity in making TSDS an amazing experience for your fellow English teachers!

Teaching Skills Development Seminar 2016


This year’s workshops included psychology and motivation, Vietnamese, Karuta, writing exams, shamisen, yukata, and much more. Thank you for hard work in making this year’s TSDS one of the best yet!

Special thanks to Darian Sundberg for a stunning cover photo of Gokayama.

Photo by Darian Sundberg

Teaching Skills Development Seminar 2015


The Teaching Skills and Development Seminar for 2015 was a tremendous success. Thank you to all workshop leaders for your effort and hard work.

A special thanks to Menolly Walter for designing such a beautiful cover.

Cover art by Menolly Walter




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Spring Regional Meetings 2013


The Spring Regional Meetings are being held this week. Information pertaining to Local Inhabitant’s tax, Leaving ALTs, information regarding the Toyama 2013 Orientation, the customary lesson exchange and much more will be covered.


All games covered at the meeting will be uploaded on the website within the next week so please look out for that. Thank you all for your participation so far!

Niikawa Spring Regional Meeting 2013


Tonami Spring Regional Meeting 2013


Toyama Spring Regional Meeting 2013

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