The following is a general timeline on what to expect in the upcoming months. Remember, this is just a suggested time frame, so allow yourself more or less time according to your individual needs!
Throughout the months of April and May
Start going through your apartment and decide what you will take back, what you will sell, what you will give away & what you will discard.
End of May/early June
Your successor will be notified of their general placement.
Early June:
If you will be shipping any items back to your home country, make arrangements NOW. Start sending items that will take longer to reach your destination, such as books and other surface mail. There are plenty of contact details for shipping companies.
Early June:
You’ll want to inform your landlord AT LEAST ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE of the day that you’ll be leaving. If your successor is taking your apartment, make arrangements so that rent payments will be divided fairly. If you are a city JET you need to speak to your BOE about this.
Start organizing bills and other finances for your supervisor’s, or successor’s, reference.
If you’re applying for an extension visa, start processing the paperwork you’ll need. Apply for the extension visa at least two weeks in advance of your visa expiration.
Mid- late June:
New JETs will be placed. You’ll start the contact process with them. Upon hearing back from your successor, determine arrangements such as payment for items to be sold, changeover of apartment, etc.
Late June:
Post classified ads or Facebook posts for items your successor will not be buying from you.
Early July:
Start writing thank you letters and saying goodbyes.
Organize your mail forwarding.
Arrange for your utility companies to come to your house on your last day there, read your meter, and accept your final payment. You can pay them on the spot when they read the meter.
Get a tax rep if you have not done so already
Mid July:
Finalize details on who will serve as your proxy with bill payments and pension refunds. Leave your contact information with him or her. Inform utilities of your shutoff dates and arrange payment.
Late July:
If you’re still here when your successor arrives, take care of things such as transferring your phone line, showing them around, etc.
Be home when the utility workers show up so you can pay your final bills
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