You’ve probably noticed that Japan has somewhat of an open attitude to sex… the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign has also been stepped up in recent years as the infection rates have begun to rise. To this end, the government has set up a testing programme throughout Japan.


The HIV Kensa site  has more information about the special testing facilities that have been set up. Unfortunately our nearest one is in Nagano.


However, most public health facilities should offer testing which can be entirely anonymous if you want it to be. They can also test for other STDs. If you contact the PA system we can find the nearest one to you. However if you don’t want to talk to us about it, you can try to contact clinics yourself and see if they offer the tests you need. You could also get in touch with the JET Line/ AJET Peer Support Group (see the PA counselling contacts page) if you want help anonymously.


There are TWO different methods of HIV/AIDS testing available:


1. The ELIZA Test


The doctor will take a blood sample for this test, and it is very cheap. (I believe THIS is the test that is offered for free.) One important thing to keep in mind, however, is that there is a HIGH rate of FALSE POSITIVES. It is somewhere in the neighborhood of 15%. Please keep this in mind, because there is a significant chance of error should the doctor tell you your result came back positive.


In this case, the doctor should suggest a second ELIZA test. If this comes back negative, no worries. If it AGAIN comes back POSITIVE, then the doctor will most likely have you take a different test, the Western Blot Test.


2. The Western Blot Test


This is much more accurate, although it is expensive and commonly NOT covered by JET insurance. This test is usually done in the event of previous positive-result tests with a high margin of error (ELIZA).


Hopefully you’ll never need to use this information, but it’s best to be prepared. Be careful and don’t take any risks. (Test information taken from a guide from the Tochigi PA)


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