


No longer open. Please refer to the hospitals listed below.




1. Koseiren Namerikawa Byouin

TEL: (076)-475-1000

119 Tokiwa-cho, Namerikawa City 厚生連滑川病院:滑川市常盤町119

Directions: Head out of JR Namerikawa station, pass the lights then turn left (near Rt. 139).


2. Kurobe Shimin Byouin

TEL: (0765) 54-2211

1108-1 Mikkaichi, Kurobe City 黒部市民病院:黒部市三日市1108-1

Directions: At Dentetsu Kurobe station, turn right at lights. It will be on your left (Rt. 120). Or walk straight out of JR Kurobe for about 1km.


There are English speaking doctors and they are accustomed to foreigners.


Obstetrics & Gynecology: Dr. Takashi Arai (male) speaks good English. Does pap-smears, pre-natal care and sometimes prescribes the Pill.


General Health: Dr. Hiroshi Tsuji (male) also has good English and is good with explanations.


3. Toyama Rosai Byouin


992 Rokuromaru, Uozu City 富山労災病院:魚津市六郎丸992

Directions: Go straight out of JR Uozu station for 2 km, down Rt. 132.


Large hospital with friendly staff.


Perhaps ask for Nakano-sensei. Rumor from the staff has it that he has English ability.

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