Women’s Health
If you need to see a gynecologist, don’t worry. Japanese gynecology is advanced and up-to-date, and despite popular belief, you can get hold of the low dose contraceptive pill here as well, though you will find that very few Japanese women visit a gynecologist regularly. You may find that your normal doctor doesn’t do gynecological stuff, so you’ll need to go to a bigger hospital or a special women’s clinic and see someone there.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions or speak up if you feel you have not been understood, and you can request a female doctor. Once again remember that the approach will be different to that in the West, and this might lead to some frustrations. If you do need to visit a gynecologist you probably won’t have to tell your teachers exactly what is wrong, unlike if you just had a cold, or had broken something. The word gynecologist (fujinka), is usually enough to satisfy them.
If time and location allow it, the Toyama University Pharmaceutical Hospital would be my first recommendation as there are many English-speaking doctors there. On my visit to this hospital, the staff went out of their way to help me, and to put me at ease. They understand that going to see the gynecologist is difficult at the best of times, let alone in a foreign country. They required a lot of information about me and my general health, I had to fill out a questionnaire beforehand, which was examined and discussed in depth when I saw the Doctor. The consultation was lengthy, but it was complete.
The gynecology department at the pharmaceutical University hospital is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30am to 12:30pm. If you don’t manage to phone in advance, just get there as early as you can, and expect to wait.
Additionally, there are a number of “Ladies’ Clinics” scattered across the ken. You can get checkups and the pill at ladies’ clinics, and some of them are staffed entirely by women. However, it’s not guaranteed that you will find an English-speaking doctor since these are often private practices. Ask your Regional Representatives or the PA for suggestions.
If you can, have someone phone the hospital in advance to let them know when and why you are coming, and that you’ll need to see someone who can speak English (if possible).
If you want the pill, it’s best if you take along an old pill packet, instruction book or prescription, so that they can give you the closest match.
It may be necessary for you to obtain the morning after pill during your stay here in Japan. You can get this pill at the gynecology department at most General Hospitals (Sogo Byouin). It is very helpful to take someone who is fluent in Japanese with you or have them call the hospital ahead to avoid any confusion as to what you are looking for.
Most hospitals listed below claim to have English speaking staff, but the smaller clinics may not. Usually, the main doctors speak a little bit of English, but the front staff does not.
Note that most hospitals will have a doctor on call in case of emergencies, but clinics are not as such. Note that Citizen’s hospitals sometimes will refuse insurance cards if you are not from that city. Most of these places have been listed because of the fact that their location is central. This list is not inclusive.
Note: EA stands for English ability, and “foreign friendly” means they get a big round of applause for being extra friendly and helpful, despite any language barriers. Below the chart are some Japanese phrases to ask the nurses for an English speaking doctor. Don’t panic yet! You may be visiting an English speaking doctor, but the nurses probably won’t know English. They may try and ask you some questions to help direct you to the right doctor (especially in larger hospitals), so it’s good to have a few vocab words and phrases at your disposal. Please consult the JET Diary medical section for a more comprehensive list of symptoms and expressions if you need more Japanese when visiting your doctor.
1. 黒部市民病院 (Kurobe City Hospital) . 黒部市三日市1108番地1 Kurobe-shi Mikkaichi 1108-1 Phone: 0765-54-2211 Hours of Operation: 07:30~11:00 EA: Dr. Takashi Arai (male gynecologist) speaks English well. . 3. Oak Ladies Clinic (オークレディスクリニック) . 日本, 黒部市荻生2695 Phone: 0765-57-1122 Directions and map link. Hours: 08:45~12:00 15:00~18:00 EA: None. . NAMERIKAWA . 1. 吉見病院 . 滑川市清水町3-25 Namerikawa-shi Shimizu-chou 3-25 Phone: 076-475-0861 Hours of Operation: 09:00~12:00 15:00~18:00 EA: None. . 2. 富山県厚生農業協同組合連合会滑川病院 (Namerikawa Hospital) . 滑川市常盤町119 Namerikawa-shi Tokiwa-chou 119 Phone: 076-475-1000 Hours of Operation: 08:30~11:30 13:00~17:00 EA: Very little English, but very foreign friendly and helpful. . NYUZEN . 1. 医療法人社団 あわの産婦人科医院 Awano Ob/Gyn Hospital . 下新川郡入善町入膳229-3 Shimoniikawa Nyuzen-machi Nyuzen 229-3 Phone: 0765-72-0588 Hours of Operation: 09:00~12:00 15:00~18:00 15:00~17:00 EA: None. . UOZU . 1. 山岸産婦人科医院 (Yamakishi Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic) . 魚津市上村木2-16-28 Uozu-shi Kamimuraki 2-16-28 Phone: 0765-24-5878 Hours of Operation: 09:00~12:00 14:00~18:00 EA: Nurses and doctors know a little English. They’re all very foreign friendly and eager to help. . 2. 独立行政法人労働者健康福祉機構 富山労災病院 (Toyama Rosai Hospital) . 魚津市六郎丸992 Uozu-shi Roumaru 992 Phone: 0765-22-1280 Hours of Operation: 08:15~12:00 13:30~17:00 EA: Doctors may know a little. |
TAKAOKA (おとぎの森レディースクリ ニック) . 高岡市佐野1316-1 TEL: 0766-20-7711 Hours: Click on the link. EA: Doctors and nurses know a little English, but they are very foreign friendly. Can renew the pill if you have a valid prescription. . 2. 高岡市民病院 (Takaoka City Hospital) . 高岡市宝町4番1号 Takaoka-shi Takara-machi 4-1 Phone: 0766-23-0204 Hours of Operation: 08:30~11:30 / 13:00~16:00 EA: Dr. Ason (pharmacist) has good English. . 3. 石川産婦人科医院 (Ishikawa OB/GYN Hospital) . 高岡市向野町4-31-1 Takaoka-shi Mukaino-machi 4-31-1 Phone: 0766-21-6000 Hours of Operation: 09:00~12:30 14:00~17:30 14:00~16:30 EA: The doctors know a little English. . IMIZU . 1. レディースクリニックむらた (Lady’s Clinic Murata) . 射水市橋下条1483-1 Imizu-shi Hashishita-jyou 1483-1 Phone: 0766-57-4141 Hours of Operation: 09:30~12:30/ 15:00~18:30 EA: Dr. Otokomo knows some English. . 2. 射水市民病院 (Imizu Municipal Hospital) 射水市朴木20 . Imizu-shi Hounoki 20 Phone: 0766-82-8100 Hours of Operation: 08:15~11:30/ 12:45~16:00 EA: Doctors and nurses know have minimal English. . HIMI . 1. 金沢医科大学氷見市民病院 Kanazawa Medical College Himi City Hospital . 氷見市幸町31-9 Himi-shi, Saiwai-chou 31-9 Phone: 0766-74-1900 Hours of Operation: 08:30~11:00/13:00~16:00 EA: Most doctors speak English very well, but nurses do not. Doctors (not so much nurses or reception staff) are VERY foreign friendly and eager to help. . 2. 医療法人社団佐伯レディースクリニック (Saeki Ladies Clinic) 氷見市窪660 Himi-shi Kubo 660 Phone: 0766-91-8855 Hours of Operation: 08:30~12:00 15:30~18:30 15:30~17:00 EA: The doctors know a little. |
TONAMI 1. 津田産婦人科医院 (Tsuda OB/GYN Hospital) . 砺波市寿町5-3 Tonami-shi Kotobuki-cyou 5-3 Phone: 0763-33-3035 Hours of Operation: 08:30~12:30 14:00~18:00 EA: None, but they are extremely friendly. . 2. 伏木医院 Fushiki Clinic 砺波市宮丸568 . Tonami-shi Miyamaru 568 Phone: 0763-32-2275 Hours of Operation: 09:00~12:00 14:00~18:00 EA: None, and slightly difficult to work with. They strongly recommend bringing a Japanese speaker with you. . 3. 市立砺波総合病院 Tonami General Hospital . 砺波市新富町1-61 Tonami-shi Shintomi-chou 1-61 Phone: 0763-32-3320 Hours of Operation: 08:15~11:00 13:30~15:30 EA: Several doctors have excellent English. Very foreign friendly. . NANTO . 1. 産婦人科内科金子医院 (Kaneko Hospital of Internal Medicine and OB/GYN) . 南砺市荒木1351-1 Nanto-shi Araki 1351-1 Phone: 0763-52-0800 Hours of Operation: 08:30~12:00 /13:30~18:00 EA: None. . . 南砺市井波938 Nanto-shi Inami 938 Phone: 0763-82-1475 Hours of Operation: 08:30~11:30 13:00~16:00 EA: Doctors know minimal English. . 3. 柴田医院 . 南砺市松原新1425番地 Nanto-shi Matsuharashin 1425 Phone: 0763-22-2011 Hours of Operation: 09:00~12:30/ 14:00~18:00 EA: None. . OYABE . 1. つざわ津田病院 (Tsuzawa Tsuda Hospital) . 小矢部市新西117-1 Oyabe-shi Shinnishi 117-1 Phone: 0766-61-8585 Hours of Operation: 09:00~12:00 15:00~18:00 EA: None, and a little difficult to work with. 2. Hokuriku Chuo Byouin 123 Nodera, Oyabe City EA: Little English ability, but very friendly and helpful staff in the prenatal department. |
TOYAMA 1. Yoshimoto Ladies Clinic (吉本レディースク リニック) . 〒930-0864 富山県富山市羽根511 Phone: 076-422-2000 EA: English speaking gynecologists are here, and there are medical forms available in English! (Note: If calling, there is an answering machine service. Just wait and you’ll automatically be connected with a nurse.) 2. Toyama University Pharmaceutical Hospital . 2630 Sugitani, Toyama City EA: Most doctors speak English and it’s very foreign friendly. The gynecology department is highly recommended by ALTs. . 〒930-0952 富山市町村2丁目70番地 Phone: 076-424-8800 Fax: 076-424-8881 EA: Doctors know a little English. . 4. 井本産婦人科医院 (Imoto OB/GYN Hospital) . 富山市舟橋北町6-15 Toyama-shi Funahasikita-chou 6-15 Phone: 076-433-3517 Hours of Operation: 09:00~13:00 14:00~18:00 EA: None. . 5. 八木産婦人科医院 (Yagi OB/GYN Hospital) . 富山市西四十物町2-18 Toyama-shi Nishiaimono-chou 2-18 Phone: 076-423-3350 Hours of Operation: 09:00~12:00/ 14:30~18:30 EA: None. 6. 岡田産科婦人科病院 (Okuda Ob/Gyn Hospital) . 富山市古鍛冶町5-34 Toyama-shi Furukaji-machi 5-34 Phone: 076-422-2212 Hours of Operation: 09:00~18:00 EA: None. 7. 富山逓信病院 Toyama Teishin Hospital . 富山市鹿島町2丁目2番29号 Toyama-shi Kashima-chou 2-2-29 Phone: (P.M.) 076-423-7727 (Evening)076-421-7808 Hours of Operation: 08:30~11:30/ 13:00~15:30 EA: Dr. Yamanishi (in the gynecology department) speaks English well. . KAMIICHI/ TATEYAMA . 1. 医療法人財団恵仁会藤木病院 (Fujiki Hospital) . 中新川郡立山町大石原225 Nakaniikawa Tateyama-machi Ooishihara 225 Phone: 076-463-1301 Hours of Operation: 08:15~12:00 14:30~18:00 EA: None . 2. かみいち総合病院 Kamiichi General Hospital . 中新川郡上市町法音寺51 Nakaniikawa Kamiichi-machi Houonji 51 Phone: 076-472-1212 Hours of Operation: 08:30~11:30 13:00~15:30 EA: Doctors know a little (and report that “reading is ok!”), but it’s a very foreign friendly hospital. |
Japanese Phrases for Women’s Health
As mentioned before, this is just a small list to help you.
Is Dr._______ in today? – Kyo wa, (Doctor’s name) sensei ga imasu ka?
Is there anyone who understands English? – Eigo ga wakaru hito wa imasu ka?
I’d like to make an appointment. – Yoyaku sitai desu.
I have a pain here. – Koko ga itai desu.
I’m not feeling well and cannot go to school. – Choshi ga warui node gakko ni ikemasen.
physical check up – kenko shindan ( 健康診断 )
obstetrics and gynecology – sanfujin-ka ( 産婦人科 )
uterus – shikyu ( 子宮 )
vagina – chitsu ( 膣 )
menstrual cramps – seiritsu ( 生理痛 )
menstrual irregularity – seiri fujun ( 生理不順 )
yeast infection – chitsu kanjida shou ( 膣カンジダ症 )
vaginal discharge – orimono ( おりもの )
veneral disease / STD – seibyou ( 性病 )
hemorrhage – fusei-shukketsu ( 不正出血 )
morning after pill – moningu afuta piru ( モーニングアフターピル )
pregnancy – ninshin ( 妊娠 )
contraception – hinin ( 避妊 )
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